Katia Janes is a graphic designer from the heart of Illinois who seeks to use the power of design to uplift those who have previously been ignored. With her skills in illustration, video editing, graphic design, photography, and fashion design, she finds beauty where others overlook. Leaving the world a better place than she found it is her biggest goal in life, and this reflects in her subversive work.

Zombie Parts is a passion project years in the making. As someone who has worked retail for years, Katia saw how many clothes were manufactured and discarded firsthand, and took this knowledge to create Zombie Parts, an alternative clothing store entirely run on recycled materials. She takes the items even thrift stores don’t want and breathes new life into them, entering them back into the clothing market. This way clothes are kept out of landfills and into a cycle of rebirth! Buy, use, rework, and use again! Keep your unique style, your love for shopping, and your love for the planet all at once.