Jasmine is an open-minded designer interested in exploring as much as possible, creatively. She believes in helping young teenage girls with her design skills. Her passion is to inspire them to believe in themselves to develop into happy, healthy human beings. Jasmine wants to help young girls love themselves without the need for digital beauty filters. She has created an awareness campaign called “Let’s Face It” that aims to inform young teenage girls about how beauty filters can contribute to Body Dysmorphia Disorder (BDD). The campaign has several components: A poster series, a website, and a social media campaign. The printed posters depict possible grotesque outcomes when one develops BDD. They are to be displayed in schools’ hallways and are designed to capture students’ attention to lead them to a website. The website was designed with three goals in mind: 1) to teach young girls about the harmful effects of beauty filters and BDD; 2) to inspire them to stop using those filters, and 3) to teach them how to love themselves through self-loving exercises and tips. The website will feature a support page where posters and buttons can be purchased to build a fund to support the cause. The funding will go towards helping young girls learn about technology and support their health. Through this, Jasmine hopes that young girls notice their habits so they can move forward and learn to love and appreciate themselves.